Press Clippings
REVIEW-The Clothesline
March 1, 2015- Sian Williams
Fairy Lee delights the children in her one-person show by entering the room from the back in her gorgeous purple ensemble. Costumes are so important in a children’s performance, and first impressions really do last!! She outdid herself, and was professional and poised. Her show was carefully accompanied by suitably fairy-like music, and included a bevy of simple yet effective magic tricks; the turning of a picture into a live bird, a guinea pig into and enormous white rabbit, and some magically flowering blooms.
March 7, 2014 - Sian Williams
Lee Cohen & Emma Shepherd had their fabulous little venue well entertained with an all-round lovely, fun, interactive and surprising performance. A great mixture of circus, acrobatics, magic and some light banter with a musical soundtrack meant the little people seated comfortably on the cushions at the front enjoyed the perfect view – just close enough to witness a guinea pig being turned into a rabbit, as well...
March 9, 2014
Lee engages the audience with her magic tricks, asking for volunteers from the crowd to give her a hand on stage – something the kids love! From her simple card trick of dots that magically appear and disappear to her final act of making Emma’s wish come true, Lee has the young crowd calling out and interacting with each performance.
October, 2013 - Nick Pilgrim
Voila! - Tales Of A Magical Circus is currently playing at the Gasworks Theatre in Albert Park. Assembled by and starring Lee Cohen and Emma Shepherd, their show ambitiously combines both mediums and delightfully lives up to its name from start to finish.
A second - generation magician, Lee Cohen’s life – long love for the art began when she assisted her father’s act from the age of eight.